2004 2009. Humber College, Toronto, Canada
Instructor - Advanced Cinematography (3rd year)
Instructor - Film Studio (2nd year)
2000 2009. Liaison of Independent Filmmakers, Toronto, Canada
Instructor - Optical Printing in 35MM.
Instructor - Advanced 35mm Cinematography - shooting with the Arri III 35mm camera.
Instructor - Animation in 35mm - shooting with the 35mm Oxberry camera.
Instructor - Advanced 16mm Cinematography - shooting with the Arri SRII & BL.
Instructor - Intermediate Cinematography - shooting with the Bolex camera.
Instructor - Advanced Motion Picture Lab - processing & printing 16 & 35mm film.
2009. The Independent Filmmakers Cooperative Of Ottawa Visiting Artist / Instructor - Alternative Techniques for the Independent Filmmaker.
2008. Filmwerkplaats Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Visiting Artist / Instructor - Hand-made 16mm film techniques - an intensive 5 day workshop.
2003. Ed Video, Guelph, Canada
Instructor - Cinematography - shooting 16mm film.
1995 1999. Cineworks Society of Independent Filmmakers, Vancouver, Canada Instructor - Alternative Techniques for the Independent Filmmaker.
Instructor - Optical Printing, theory and practice : The Oxberry at Cineworks.
1998. Gulf Island Film and Television School, Galliano Island, B.C., Canada
Instructor - Alternative Techniques for the Independent Filmmaker.
1994 1996. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Teaching Assistant - FMPR 340 : Advanced Cinematography.
Instructor - Francois Miron - Instructed modules on self-processing.