preview film


notes / stills



Pine Plains, New York, USA.
The View Never Changes  (1996)

Seething grain and swirling textures of super-8 processed in a pail. Film as memory...  an elaborate reconstruction perpetually shifting through the course of time. And so is this... a  personal recollection of the intensity of what it may have been like to be a child.

Technical Specifications
year(s) of production  1994-1996

production format(s) super-8mm (7278 tri-x reversal as negative), 16mm (7373 optical sound negative - master pos, 7248 color interneg)
exhibition format 16mm (7384 color print)
aspect ratio 1:1.37
projection speed 24fps
running time 6:00
optical sound (mono)

John Price : cinematography, negative processing, optical printing, editing, sound design & mix, negative conforming & cutting.

McClear Digital / Ray Cooke : optical sound transfer.

Gastown Labs : print & print processing.